Peer Review Details
African Business Conference encourages all the authors to submit their research papers to present at the conference. We have a professional team of reviewers who will carefully review your papers. Once your paper gets approved, it will be presented at the conference or even published in international journals. So, you need to maintain the academic standards and follow our criteria to increase your chances.
Our Peer Review Process
Using a double-blinded peer-review strategy, our professional team reviews all the submitted papers to measure the standards and quality. Here are the details of their peer review process:
Initial Screening
Our initial screening process starts right after you submit your paper through our website. We evaluate the papers by analyzing their format, length, and other criteria to measure how well the paper followed our standards. If they pass the initial screening test, we send them to the peer review team to start their process.
Reviewer Assignment
We assign qualified reviewers to assess the conference papers from neutral viewpoints. They are selected based on their quality, knowledge, and experience in the field of academic peer review process. Besides, their lack of conflict or interest with the author adds credibility to their selection.
Peer Review Process
The peer review team thoroughly checks the papers based on their originality, clarity, quality, and relevancy to the subject. They also understand the research methodology and findings in this process. After completing the assessment, they send the papers to the conference committee with detailed reviews and feedback.
Revision Request
At that stage, the conference committee decides if they accept, reject, or request a revision for the submitted paper. Whatever the decision is, the author gets a notification with feedback or revision requests from the review team. This unique process ensures the highest quality of accepted papers.
Final Approve
Finally, after completing the review process, the papers get approved for publication at the conference. We send notifications with detailed instructions about the presentation mode, which may include either a verbal or visual presentation. Moreover, these accepted papers get a chance to be published in our conference proceedings.